Multipliers was recommended by a friend and I'm glad I read it! I definitely picked up a few things from the book that I've already been able to apply to my leadership. Probably the most helpful sections of the book had to do with the differences between Diminishers (leaders that get less from people) and Multipliers (leaders that...well you get the idea). These contrasts at the end of each chapter were really interesting and helpful to me.
Here are a few takeaways:
I definitely have some Diminisher tendencies as a leader...ouch! I am very passionate and I care about everything when it comes to the church so I tend to overcommunicate...cough......overshare...basically not let other people talk. What was interesting to me is that in their research the authors found that a lot of diminishers are smart and passionate people that were good in a specific role. Then they get promoted to a leadership role and suddenly it's not about their individual contribution but rather their ability to maximize the contribution of others. This is something I am currently learning how to do. It's an interesting balance between adding value to a conversation without sucking the oxygen out of the room. I love growing as a leader!
Leadership is hard but it's incredibly rewarding. Good leaders understand that putting in the hard work of developing and delegating in the short term pays off in the long run. Multipliers really promotes this concept.
Multipliers amplify the intelligence of others. This was a really cool concept. They did a ton of research and were able to show conclusively that good leaders not only get more out of people...they literally make them smarter!
Multipliers believe that people are smart. They aren't intimidated by people that are smarter or more gifted than themselves. Thus they become talent magnets with a reputation for helping launch leaders to new heights. I want to be this kind of leader! I want to believe the best and see the best come out of the people I lead.
Multipliers aren't pushovers. They challenge the people around them to do their best and hold them accountable. This is one of my weaknesses as a leader. Sometimes I chicken out as a leader and don't challenge the people around me to do and be their very best. I know that leaders develop in an atmosphere of challenge and encouragement but I tend to lean heavier on encouragement because it feels better. Ultimately, neglecting to challenge the people I lead is to grow!
My favorite term from Multipliers was: genius maker. Multipliers recognize and cultivate the intelligence and gifting of their teams. They elevate people. Their leadership is not defined by their individual genius but rather by their ability to be genius makers. That's a Multiplier!
Have you experienced leaders that are Multipliers?
What areas can you grow in as a leader?